Important: You only need to type the quoted commands in R console


  1. Simulate a VAR(1) model
  2. Financial data
  3. Modeling
  4. Residual checking
  5. Prediction
  6. Co-integration

1. Simulate a VAR(1) model

  • Simulate a VAR(1) model
## Loading required package: MTS
## Loading required package: ggplot2
##       [,1] [,2]
## [1,]  0.50 -1.0
## [2,] -0.25  0.5
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]    1    0
## [2,]    0    1
m1 <- VARMAsim(400,arlags=c(1),phi=p1,sigma=sig) 
qplot(x = 1:length(m1$series[,1]), y = m1$series[,1], 
      geom = "line", xlab = "time index",
      ylab = "column1")

qplot(x = 1:length(m1$series[,2]), y = m1$series[,2], 
      geom = "line", xlab = "time index",
      ylab = "column2")



2. RiskMetrics-IGARCH

  • Data loading and visualization
da = read.table("q-gdp-ukcaus.txt",header=T)
## [1] 126   5
##   year mon     uk     ca      us
## 1 1980   1 172436 624794 5908500
## 2 1980   4 169359 623433 5787400
## 3 1980   7 169038 623215 5776600
## 4 1980  10 167180 630215 5883500
## 5 1981   1 166052 645957 6005700
## 6 1981   4 166393 651954 5957800
gdp = log(da[,3:5])
qplot(1:length(gdp[,1]), gdp[,1],type="l", 
      xlab = "time index", ylab = "UK(log)")

qplot(1:length(gdp[,2]), gdp[,2],type="l", 
      xlab = "time index", ylab = "CA(log)")

qplot(1:length(gdp[,3]), gdp[,3],type="l", 
      xlab = "time index", ylab = "US(log)")

  • Computes the multivariate Ljung-Box statistics for cross-correlation matrices
## Ljung-Box Statistics:  
##         m       Q(m)     df    p-value
##  [1,]     1       331       9        0
##  [2,]     2       613      18        0
##  [3,]     3       853      27        0
##  [4,]     4      1064      36        0
##  [5,]     5      1255      45        0
##  [6,]     6      1434      54        0
##  [7,]     7      1605      63        0
##  [8,]     8      1768      72        0
##  [9,]     9      1920      81        0
## [10,]    10      2063      90        0

  • Compute the growth rate of gdp. ‘2’ indicates columns
mq(zt,10) ##The results show that the 3-dimensional series is strongly serially correlated
## Ljung-Box Statistics:  
##         m       Q(m)     df    p-value
##  [1,]   1.0      79.1     9.0        0
##  [2,]   2.0     118.1    18.0        0
##  [3,]   3.0     143.3    27.0        0
##  [4,]   4.0     163.9    36.0        0
##  [5,]   5.0     174.7    45.0        0
##  [6,]   6.0     185.0    54.0        0
##  [7,]   7.0     199.8    63.0        0
##  [8,]   8.0     214.1    72.0        0
##  [9,]   9.0     219.7    81.0        0
## [10,]  10.0     226.7    90.0        0

3. Modeling

  • Identifying VAR order
m1 = VARorderI(zt)
## selected order: aic =  8 
## selected order: bic =  1 
## selected order: hq =  4 
## M statistic and its p-value 
##         Mstat        pv
##  [1,] 115.806 0.0000000
##  [2,]  19.481 0.0213966
##  [3,]  23.054 0.0060759
##  [4,]  31.546 0.0002385
##  [5,]  14.840 0.0954378
##  [6,]  11.959 0.2156223
##  [7,]  13.921 0.1251771
##  [8,]  27.994 0.0009562
##  [9,]  12.384 0.1925391
## [10,]   6.985 0.6386805
## [11,]  16.819 0.0516252
## [12,]  11.173 0.2640476
## [13,]  14.962 0.0919874
## Summary table:  
##        p     AIC     BIC      HQ    M(p)    p-value
##  [1,]  0 -30.158 -30.158 -30.158   0.000 0.00000000
##  [2,]  1 -31.090 -30.885 -31.007 115.806 0.00000000
##  [3,]  2 -31.129 -30.717 -30.961  19.481 0.02139658
##  [4,]  3 -31.206 -30.585 -30.954  23.054 0.00607588
##  [5,]  4 -31.374 -30.542 -31.036  31.546 0.00023853
##  [6,]  5 -31.374 -30.329 -30.950  14.840 0.09543785
##  [7,]  6 -31.346 -30.085 -30.834  11.959 0.21562235
##  [8,]  7 -31.341 -29.862 -30.740  13.921 0.12517713
##  [9,]  8 -31.502 -29.802 -30.812  27.994 0.00095624
## [10,]  9 -31.484 -29.562 -30.704  12.384 0.19253910
## [11,] 10 -31.402 -29.254 -30.530   6.985 0.63868053
## [12,] 11 -31.448 -29.072 -30.483  16.819 0.05162521
## [13,] 12 -31.423 -28.816 -30.365  11.173 0.26404756
## [14,] 13 -31.455 -28.615 -30.302  14.962 0.09198740
m2 = VAR(zt,1)  ## based on BIC, estimate a VAR(1) model
## Constant term: 
## Estimates:  0.001713324 0.001182869 0.002785892 
## Std.Error:  0.0006790162 0.0007193106 0.0007877173 
## AR coefficient matrix 
## AR( 1 )-matrix 
##       [,1]  [,2]   [,3]
## [1,] 0.434 0.189 0.0373
## [2,] 0.185 0.245 0.3917
## [3,] 0.322 0.182 0.1674
## standard error 
##        [,1]   [,2]   [,3]
## [1,] 0.0811 0.0827 0.0872
## [2,] 0.0859 0.0877 0.0923
## [3,] 0.0940 0.0960 0.1011
## Residuals cov-mtx: 
##              [,1]         [,2]         [,3]
## [1,] 2.893347e-05 1.965508e-06 6.619853e-06
## [2,] 1.965508e-06 3.246932e-05 1.686272e-05
## [3,] 6.619853e-06 1.686272e-05 3.893867e-05
## det(SSE) =  2.721916e-14 
## AIC =  -31.09086 
## BIC =  -30.88722 
## HQ  =  -31.00813
value = c(1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0)
value1 = matrix(value,3,3,byrow=T)
(value2 = rbind(c(1,0,1),value1)) ##For constant term
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    0    1
## [2,]    1    1    1
## [3,]    1    1    0
## [4,]    0    1    0
m22 = VAR(zt,1,fixed=value2)  ##fixed: removing insignificant estimates.
## Constant term: 
## Estimates:  0.001769493 0 0.004079231 
## Std.Error:  0.0006639398 0 0.0007440541 
## AR coefficient matrix 
## AR( 1 )-matrix 
##       [,1]  [,2]  [,3]
## [1,] 0.446 0.209 0.000
## [2,] 0.219 0.276 0.421
## [3,] 0.498 0.000 0.000
## standard error 
##        [,1]   [,2]   [,3]
## [1,] 0.0757 0.0685 0.0000
## [2,] 0.0839 0.0862 0.0912
## [3,] 0.0844 0.0000 0.0000
## Residuals cov-mtx: 
##              [,1]         [,2]         [,3]
## [1,] 2.897757e-05 1.930763e-06 6.817902e-06
## [2,] 1.930763e-06 3.320102e-05 1.606269e-05
## [3,] 6.817902e-06 1.606269e-05 4.356240e-05
## det(SSE) =  3.315141e-14 
## AIC =  -30.94169 
## BIC =  -30.80593 
## HQ  =  -30.88654

4. Residual checking

mq(m2$residuals,10) ##The results show that the residuals are not serially correlated
## Ljung-Box Statistics:  
##          m       Q(m)     df    p-value
##  [1,]   1.00      9.66    9.00     0.38
##  [2,]   2.00     17.53   18.00     0.49
##  [3,]   3.00     26.88   27.00     0.47
##  [4,]   4.00     45.07   36.00     0.14
##  [5,]   5.00     52.91   45.00     0.20
##  [6,]   6.00     58.52   54.00     0.31
##  [7,]   7.00     66.50   63.00     0.36
##  [8,]   8.00     81.90   72.00     0.20
##  [9,]   9.00     92.83   81.00     0.17
## [10,]  10.00    103.90   90.00     0.15

mq(m2$residuals,24,adj=9) ##The results show that the residuals are not serially correlated (1% significance level)
## Ljung-Box Statistics:  
##          m       Q(m)     df    p-value
##  [1,]   1.00      9.66    0.00     1.00
##  [2,]   2.00     17.53    9.00     0.04
##  [3,]   3.00     26.88   18.00     0.08
##  [4,]   4.00     45.07   27.00     0.02
##  [5,]   5.00     52.91   36.00     0.03
##  [6,]   6.00     58.52   45.00     0.09
##  [7,]   7.00     66.50   54.00     0.12
##  [8,]   8.00     81.90   63.00     0.06
##  [9,]   9.00     92.83   72.00     0.05
## [10,]  10.00    103.90   81.00     0.04
## [11,]  11.00    107.82   90.00     0.10
## [12,]  12.00    119.23   99.00     0.08
## [13,]  13.00    132.59  108.00     0.05
## [14,]  14.00    142.52  117.00     0.05
## [15,]  15.00    153.51  126.00     0.05
## [16,]  16.00    158.83  135.00     0.08
## [17,]  17.00    165.14  144.00     0.11
## [18,]  18.00    171.03  153.00     0.15
## [19,]  19.00    184.52  162.00     0.11
## [20,]  20.00    193.41  171.00     0.12
## [21,]  21.00    198.35  180.00     0.17
## [22,]  22.00    206.70  189.00     0.18
## [23,]  23.00    211.62  198.00     0.24
## [24,]  24.00    223.23  207.00     0.21

MTSdiag(m2, gof = 24, adj = 9, level = F)
## [1] "Covariance matrix:"
##          uk       ca       us
## uk 2.92e-05 1.98e-06 6.67e-06
## ca 1.98e-06 3.27e-05 1.70e-05
## us 6.67e-06 1.70e-05 3.93e-05
## CCM at lag:  0 
##        [,1]   [,2]  [,3]
## [1,] 1.0000 0.0641 0.197
## [2,] 0.0641 1.0000 0.474
## [3,] 0.1972 0.4742 1.000
## Simplified matrix: 
## CCM at lag:  1 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  2 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  3 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  4 
## . . - 
## . . . 
## . - . 
## CCM at lag:  5 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  6 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . - . 
## CCM at lag:  7 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  8 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  9 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  10 
## . . . 
## . + . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  11 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  12 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  13 
## . - . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  14 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  15 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  16 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  17 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  18 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  19 
## . . . 
## . . + 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  20 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  21 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  22 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  23 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## CCM at lag:  24 
## . . . 
## . . . 
## . . .

## Hit Enter for p-value plot of individual ccm:

## Hit Enter to compute MQ-statistics: 
## Ljung-Box Statistics:  
##          m       Q(m)     df    p-value
##  [1,]   1.00      9.66    0.00     1.00
##  [2,]   2.00     17.53    9.00     0.04
##  [3,]   3.00     26.88   18.00     0.08
##  [4,]   4.00     45.07   27.00     0.02
##  [5,]   5.00     52.91   36.00     0.03
##  [6,]   6.00     58.52   45.00     0.09
##  [7,]   7.00     66.50   54.00     0.12
##  [8,]   8.00     81.90   63.00     0.06
##  [9,]   9.00     92.83   72.00     0.05
## [10,]  10.00    103.90   81.00     0.04
## [11,]  11.00    107.82   90.00     0.10
## [12,]  12.00    119.23   99.00     0.08
## [13,]  13.00    132.59  108.00     0.05
## [14,]  14.00    142.52  117.00     0.05
## [15,]  15.00    153.51  126.00     0.05
## [16,]  16.00    158.83  135.00     0.08
## [17,]  17.00    165.14  144.00     0.11
## [18,]  18.00    171.03  153.00     0.15
## [19,]  19.00    184.52  162.00     0.11
## [20,]  20.00    193.41  171.00     0.12
## [21,]  21.00    198.35  180.00     0.17
## [22,]  22.00    206.70  189.00     0.18
## [23,]  23.00    211.62  198.00     0.24
## [24,]  24.00    223.23  207.00     0.21

## Hit Enter to obtain residual plots:

6. Co-integration

  • Get data
## Loading required package: quantmod
## Loading required package: xts
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     as.Date, as.Date.numeric
## Loading required package: TTR
## Attaching package: 'TTR'
## The following object is masked from 'package:MTS':
##     VMA
## Version 0.4-0 included new data defaults. See ?getSymbols.
## 'getSymbols' currently uses auto.assign=TRUE by default, but will
## use auto.assign=FALSE in 0.5-0. You will still be able to use
## 'loadSymbols' to automatically load data. getOption("getSymbols.env")
## and getOption("") will still be checked for
## alternate defaults.
## This message is shown once per session and may be disabled by setting 
## options("getSymbols.warning4.0"=FALSE). See ?getSymbols for details.
## [1] "BHP"
## [1] "VALE"
bhp = log(BHP$BHP.Adjusted)
vale = log(VALE$VALE.Adjusted)
(m1 = lm(bhp~vale))
## Call:
## lm(formula = bhp ~ vale)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)         vale  
##      2.6567       0.4261
wt = bhp-0.4261*vale
autoplot(wt,colour = "red")

  • Co-integration tests: Johansen’s co-integration test
## Loading required package: urca
##            BHP.Open BHP.High BHP.Low BHP.Close BHP.Volume BHP.Adjusted
## 2007-01-03    39.67    39.69   38.62     38.87    6285400     24.54328
## 2007-01-04    37.90    38.19   37.48     37.74    5121000     23.82978
## 2007-01-05    37.64    37.69   36.88     37.16    4412500     23.46355
## 2007-01-08    37.55    37.66   36.93     37.33    4674400     23.57089
## 2007-01-09    37.77    37.77   36.37     37.65    8331600     23.77294
## 2007-01-10    37.30    38.05   37.02     37.84    4646300     23.89291
##            VALE.Open VALE.High VALE.Low VALE.Close VALE.Volume
## 2007-01-03    15.070    15.610   14.305     14.410    19475000
## 2007-01-04    14.320    14.320   14.015     14.235    20641000
## 2007-01-05    14.235    14.240   13.555     13.755    20187600
## 2007-01-08    13.845    14.285   13.795     14.235    21989000
## 2007-01-09    14.205    14.205   13.530     13.820    21337600
## 2007-01-10    13.625    14.355   13.565     14.190    18589000
##            VALE.Adjusted
## 2007-01-03     10.263877
## 2007-01-04     10.139231
## 2007-01-05      9.797338
## 2007-01-08     10.139231
## 2007-01-09      9.843638
## 2007-01-10     10.107178
##            BHP.Open BHP.High BHP.Low BHP.Close BHP.Volume BHP.Adjusted
## 2019-04-11    56.39    56.63   56.12     56.35     851200        56.35
## 2019-04-12    57.03    57.17   56.73     56.83    1440000        56.83
## 2019-04-15    56.19    56.40   55.96     56.02    1222700        56.02
## 2019-04-16    56.07    56.18   55.07     55.37    2713700        55.37
## 2019-04-17    54.95    55.19   54.48     55.12    1964600        55.12
## 2019-04-18    54.83    55.00   54.67     54.95    1137400        54.95
## [1] 3095    6
m1 = lm(bhp~vale)
## Call:
## lm(formula = bhp ~ vale)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -0.67076 -0.10064 -0.00332  0.13101  0.31926 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 2.656659   0.014569  182.35   <2e-16 ***
## vale        0.426078   0.005637   75.59   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.1727 on 3093 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.6488, Adjusted R-squared:  0.6487 
## F-statistic:  5713 on 1 and 3093 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
x = cbind(bhp,vale) ##Take a sequence of vector and combine by columns
m1 = ar(x)
## [1] 6
m2 =, K=6)#maximum eigenvalue test
## ###################### 
## # Johansen-Procedure # 
## ###################### 
## Test type: maximal eigenvalue statistic (lambda max) , with linear trend 
## Eigenvalues (lambda):
## [1] 0.0041244184 0.0008515475
## Values of teststatistic and critical values of test:
##           test 10pct  5pct  1pct
## r <= 1 |  2.63  6.50  8.18 11.65
## r = 0  | 12.77 12.91 14.90 19.19
## Eigenvectors, normalised to first column:
## (These are the cointegration relations)
##                  BHP.Adjusted.l6 VALE.Adjusted.l6
## BHP.Adjusted.l6        1.0000000         1.000000
## VALE.Adjusted.l6      -0.3622562        -1.965875
## Weights W:
## (This is the loading matrix)
##                 BHP.Adjusted.l6 VALE.Adjusted.l6
## BHP.Adjusted.d     -0.009210101    -7.222733e-05
## VALE.Adjusted.d    -0.010014343     6.121659e-04
m3 =, K=6, type=c("trace")) #trace co-integration test
## ###################### 
## # Johansen-Procedure # 
## ###################### 
## Test type: trace statistic , with linear trend 
## Eigenvalues (lambda):
## [1] 0.0041244184 0.0008515475
## Values of teststatistic and critical values of test:
##           test 10pct  5pct  1pct
## r <= 1 |  2.63  6.50  8.18 11.65
## r = 0  | 15.40 15.66 17.95 23.52
## Eigenvectors, normalised to first column:
## (These are the cointegration relations)
##                  BHP.Adjusted.l6 VALE.Adjusted.l6
## BHP.Adjusted.l6        1.0000000         1.000000
## VALE.Adjusted.l6      -0.3622562        -1.965875
## Weights W:
## (This is the loading matrix)
##                 BHP.Adjusted.l6 VALE.Adjusted.l6
## BHP.Adjusted.d     -0.009210101    -7.222733e-05
## VALE.Adjusted.d    -0.010014343     6.121659e-04